Thursday, October 05, 2006

eBay Auction Home Business Tutorial: Successful Selling Is All About Timing - By Chris Bryant

It's been said that "success is all in the timing", and that's true of eBay auction postings as well! You can actually improve your item's final sale price by up to 10% by having the auction end at the right time, and cost yourself money by having it end at the wrong time.

So what times are "right" and "wrong"? Part of it is simply applying common sense. If you're selling a physical item (as opposed to an ebook or something delivered electronically), you may choose to ship only to buyers in your country. If that's the case, don't end your auction at 2 AM in your local time. Just because you're up at that time doesn't mean that everyone else is!

Some eBay sellers take this approach thinking that people will bid high to avoid losing an auction that ends in the wee hours of the morning. Personally, I've found myself not bidding on auctions that ended at such a time, thinking that someone will come in at the last second and outbid me. I've tried using auctions that ended when most of my potential customers were asleep, and I found the results were not as good as the auctions that ended during daylight hours.

If you ship worldwide or sell an electronically delivered item such as an ebook, you may not think the ending time is of real importance. This is not the case! A recent study by the University of Pennsylvania revealed that almost one-third of eBay auctions end between 5 and 9 PM Eastern Standard Time, and auctions that ended in this time period were almost 10% less likely to end in a sale due to the increased competition. One article called this "eBay happy hour", but it's an "unhappy hour" to those of us selling on eBay.

By choosing the right item and the right time to sell on eBay, you're opening up a world of possibilities for your future and your family, and I'm here to help you do just that. See you tomorrow with another exclusive eBay auction home business tutorial!

Chris Bryant is an eight-year veteran of eBay, and he wants eBay to change your life for the better just as it’s done for him! Visit for his latest FREE eBay and eBay auction tutorial!
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