Thursday, November 30, 2006

How to Recognize Collectible Sewing Patterns - By Jackie McCutcheon

Selling vintage sewing patterns on eBay is a potentially profitable venture. Sewing patterns, most especially vintage sewing patterns of elegant dresses from the 1940’s, 50’s and 60’s, are typical of the current trend of what sells and sells well on eBay auctions.

So how does one go about recognizing what is valuable and what is not? The first and foremost action to take is to do research within the eBay completed auctions in the category: vintage sewing - patterns. Make a list each week of what sewing patterns sold and for how much.

The best places to buy vintage sewing patterns are estate sales and garage sales. Being prepared can save valuable time when trying to determine what is a good pattern or not. Completeness is important. Make sure the pattern includes the envelope, all of the pattern pieces and the instructions. Another factor is the condition of the pattern. Can any person attempting to sew this pattern use it or is the pattern too damaged?

Storage is the number one way to increase the life of a sewing pattern, especially one dating back five decades. Using sealable plastic containers that fit properly is the best way to insure lasting patterns. One can also use an acid free mat board to avoid degradation of the pattern for long time storage.

Dating your collection can increase the value for sale. A buyer desires to know the time period of when the dress was worn. For movie producers this is an deniable attraction to buying a pattern. Movies thrive on being historically accurate and knowing exactly what time period the patterns come from aids in the sale. Dating your pieces will give them a higher asking price on any auction.

Learn the fashion trends of the time period the pattern comes from. Some patterns come with a stamp that dates the piece already but doing research on the decade trends will help to ensure accuracy.

Just using a few of these hints can save time and money and increase the amount gleaned from selling these wonderful patterns.

Jackie McCutcheon is an eBay Seller in North Central Wisconsin with nearly a decade of experience and owner of Jackie's Attic: