Friday, October 19, 2007

A Simple Way To Making Huge Profits On Ebay - By Para Bala

It’s interesting to see how ebay has evolved over the past few years. I still remember the good old days when the site was nothing more than an online junk sale. Today, ebay has become a powerhouse online company that just wreaks of potential. More and more people everyday are starting to learn that you DON’T have to work a 9 - 5 job anymore.

In just over four years since leaving my desk job, I have had the opportunity to develop and implement a number of my small business plan. All being told, I now have several avenues in which I make a living. It feels nice knowing that my business is diversified enough that if one leg begins to fail, there are others to prop me up. I won’t say that it hasn’t been a bumpy road but I will say that the road keeps getting smoother.

A surefire way to capitalize on ebay!

We all know the old tricks for finding products to sell on ebay. We goto garage sales, estate sales, dig through the attic and who knows whatever else just to find things to sell on ebay. If you get real serious and open an ebay store, you’ll probably want to find a niche product you can market. In that case, you would also need a steady, reliable supplier.

It has been my experience over the years that you can never use just one supplier, again it’s always good to diversify so that if one product stops selling, another will continue to support you.

So how can we do this on a small budget?

I couple of years back, I learned how to get product samples from manufacturers overseas. It started out small, I paid a few bucks for shipping and received a couple of knock-off digital cameras from China. They were nice enough to list on ebay and of course, they sold. Today, just about everything I sell is or was a product sample.

The reason this method works is because you make a much higher profit if you’re only paying the cost of shipping and not for the actual products. Now I should mention, this only really works if you have the ability to contact several manufacturers to which you would ask for samples from.

Some will say no, and others will say yes. It’s a good idea to take the profits you get from selling the first few sample products and reinvest it into actual product. You may not be able to do this at first but the idea is to raise a few hundred dollars and then mix in a variety of other products you buy from the manufacturers.

This isn’t a complicated business to setup. Once you learn “who” to contact and “how” to contact them, you’ll soon be on your way to a successful and profitable ebay business.

Getting started with your ebay business is simple. Join the team and read this guide.