Friday, March 13, 2009

Fun Way To Make Some Extra Cash

Do you know that eBay can be a fun way to make some extra cash or even replace your current income or add a second source of income.

However, many new eBay sellers fall into a trap, they don't know anything about Marketing, they think whatever they have to sell or want to sell people will buy, quickly learning when their auctions don't sell, that's not the way Marketing Works.

The secret to making money on eBay is very similar to making money with any business. Get access to products people want for less than they will pay and you will make money.

Starting a part time business on eBay is great because it puts millions of buyers right in front of your products, you don't have to go buying traffic or pay for advertising if you know how to correctly list your auctions you can make a bundle of money.

So first as I mentioned above, you need to sell what people actually want to give you money for, this may sound simple and it is, but often overlooked.
And how do you find what people are paying money for? Interestingly enough all the information you need to find what to sell on eBay is freely available on eBay and some other popular online retailers.

For instance, ever wonder what the top selling electronics are right now?
Simply go to Amazon, scroll down half way through the page and you'll see "Amazon Bestsellers" under the blue menu "Features and Services --> Amazon Exclusives"

Click that link and you'll see a list of the top selling items in every category, then you'll see under the top 3 sellers "See all Bestsellers in ....."
Amazon is telling you what people are actually BUYING, you think this is valuable to your eBay auctions? You better believe it is.

So, before you even list your next listing check it out and see if what you're selling is hot right now.
